A story about compassion and making lives better for our clients.

Hey there, Sandy with Sandy and Company, and today we’re talking about when times get hard. I’m taking a walk in the park today. I’ve got a little bit of extra time before my next appointment, and you know, some days things are like a walk in the park. It’s a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, it’s finally warm, and I’m hearing the birds. Life is good. Other days are not so much; the rain’s coming down and the wind is whipping. And this happens, of course, in our lives just as much as in our weather.

So about a year ago, I met a gal, Miss Cindy, and she was amazing. She’s working full time and is an older gal. Her husband is living in an adult family home. He’d had a stroke. She’s taking him to dialysis, and money was wearing thin. And she was not going to be able to make the payments for his adult family home for very long, and she needed to sell her house and move in with friends and family in order to keep things moving.

She was also very overwhelmed. She had a lot on her plate, and she just didn’t need to get pushed. So what did I do? I just checked in. She’d been a referral from a good friend, a neighbor, she just needed to know that I was available if she needed it.

But, quite frankly, she wasn’t ready. She did not even want me coming into her house because there was so much work still to do. It’s a little embarrassing when you’re overwhelmed like that, and you just feel like you don’t have a lot of options other than to do what’s in front of your face. So I just stayed in touch: “Hey, Miss Cindy, how you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?”

““We step in and we help out with the appropriate amount of help at the appropriate time.””

Finally, about maybe three or four months ago, she let me come in the house, and I started helping her take things to Goodwill. Did a couple of dump runs for those, you know, the outside furniture that just isn’t in good shape anymore. And nobody, not even Goodwill, wants it. We just rolled up our sleeves and made things happen.

So we did finally get it listed. And we did sell it for a good profit for her. And she was hoping for a little bit more than we were originally suggesting. And by using our strategy, she was able to get that and more.

So she’s very happy. She said last night, “I’m telling my girls at work, ‘I love my Realtor. When you’re ready, you need to call Sandy because she’s going to help you out and she’s patient. And you know what? [And this is what I probably loved the most.] She’s not pushy. She didn’t push me. She was just encouraging. She didn’t push me until I had no more money.’” Because she had called me to say, “I don’t have any more money. After this month for the adult family home, I need to sell. We really need to make it happen.”

And then I started nudging just a bit more, so I don’t use pressure. It never helps unless I know the person is asking for it and needs it. And that’s what we do: we step in and we help out with the appropriate amount of help at the appropriate time. So who do you know who is really right up against the wall? This is not a walk in the park for them.

They are working so hard, and they just can’t make ends meet. Or maybe they know that their day is coming, but they don’t want to be pushed up against that wall, and they’re ready to make things work. Guess what? We’re ready. Both times, Sarah and I, we are ready to jump in, roll up our sleeves, and do what needs to be done in order to make sure that our people are taken care of. The bottom line is that our people are helped.

Remember, our motto is making lives better. How can we help you with yours? Have a super blessed day. Stay safe and healthy, and if there’s anything we can help you with real estate, give me a call. Give us a message. Shoot me a text at (425) 422-7372 or send us an email at Sandy@SandyAndCompany.com. Let’s help. Let’s make it happen. We’re here for you. Have a blessed day.