Last month one of my neighbors told me that she was in a dire financial situation, as she was in pre-foreclosure. As it turns out, one of her family members who shares a joint account with her and assists her making her mortgage payments actually stole money from that account and lied about it.

Now this neighbor is a number of months late on her mortgage payment. She’s been consulting with an agent on how to rectify this situation and it sounds like her bank may help her. But I’m not sure she’s getting the results she’s looking for. Needless to say, I have many concerns for this dear lady. She has a significant amount of equity, so she can sell her home and put that equity into her next place, but what’s the next place that works best for her?

“We’re here to help.”

If you’re asking yourself this same question, we have the resources and know many experts who specialize in assisting with the downsizing process. They can clear out any clutter and help to sift through the loads of paperwork that you don’t need to hang on to anymore. We also know people who can help you determine whether you’re capable of maintaining your own apartment or if you would like assisted living.

These are the additional questions you need to ask yourself, and we can help you with that at no charge. I have a senior real estate specialist designation. What that really means is that I have a heart for seniors and I’m ready to use my expertise for their benefit.

If you or someone you know is ready to downsize but you don’t know where to turn to next, please reach out to me so we can sit down and have a free, no-risk, no-obligation consultation. I’m happy to help you.