Today, we’re talking about making our homes into places that make us smile. When I help clients, I explain how important it is to smile while walking through the front door.

In the winter, we have a tendency to hunker down. This time of year is great for focusing on interior projects, like making a quilt or painting a room. “Your home is an extension of you.” I’m a project person. My husband and I love projects that will make us smile when we walk into our homes. Now that spring is coming, it’s time to focus on outdoor projects. In fact, we just took a tree down in the backyard yesterday. We also went to Sunnyside Nursery, which has a great selection, and picked out some fruit trees to plant this weekend. We got dwarf apple, plum, and pear trees so we won’t have to spend the whole day out in the yard but can still enjoy the fruits of our labors.

We love to make our home our castle! My castle probably looks different from your castle, but if you’re a homeowner, you want to be able to come home and enjoy it. Your home is an extension of you. That’s why it’s crucial for your home to make you smile.

If you’re looking for a space to please you, give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to help you find your castle here in Puget Sound!

With spring around the corner, it’s a perfect time to go through my 5 Step Home Review and find out what your home is worth.